Instead, we have puppies!
Being a "mom," as I am learning, means mondo changes to any responsible person's life. Ever since D. came into the picture, my leisure time is increasingly spent with puppy: time spent taking puppy on walks or to the dog park, deciding which food and toys are right for puppy, and, of course, taking many pictures of puppy. Do I want to go to a movie? Hell ya, but how long is it? Can I leave D. long enough to have dinner *and* a movie? I wonder who's going to watch D. while I'm away? These questions and others pervade.
Yes, my life has become somewhat one-dimensional these past three months, but it's just a faze--like puppyhood itself. Enjoy the pics & I'll emerge soon, a few pairs of shoes the less, but all the prouder that D. is becoming a little man--er--dog.