Mind The Sap

Errant ramblings, mostly.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Bad, Blogger!

I know, I know. I don’t post enough, but trust me—its not for lack of things to say. Ask any one of my boyfriends: they will tell you I talk almost non-stop. And I have no facility for use of the segue. As a rambler, I can be discussing sock-darning (uselessness of) and three-legged dogs within two sentences of each other. But I digress. Apparently I’m not blogging enough. (Evinced by the fact that I have been dropped from the list several friends’ links). I blame it on starting a blog before I was officially done school. But none of that matters now.

To correct my wrongs, friends, I have decided to post the mother of all recap posts, in which I give teasers about all the things I meant to write about in the past, but never got the chance. As fabulously put in one of the best feel-good movies of all time, these are “the things [I thought] but did not say…”

1) When whining’s a crime: OCAP protesters march through Rosedale in Toronto
2) Squalor, racism and mediocre food I experienced during a recent trip to Montreal
3) How to tell if you’re shrink’s just in it for the money
4) Match Point: matching Scarlett Johansson with Jonathan Rhys Myers equals one point for Woody Allen
5) Tiramisu or “truth serum?” The dessert that brought the party to its knees
6) Under Pressure: (Wherein I go stalking’… after midnight…)

I am happy to let y’all wonder about the gems that may have been unearthed in any of the aforementioned posts, but I will also happily expand on any that my dear readers are interested in…right after I finish my last paper.


Blogger Jessica McGann said...

So intriguing... and timely enough to keep you on MY link list!

6:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hee. I know what two of those are, since I was directly involved. But I'm fascinated by the others!

12:25 PM  

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